If you drive your best and take good care of your clutch by driving well whats the longest it can last?Should it be adjusted from time to time?How long can a clutch last,I have a 96 Toyota Tercel?you have a hydraulic clutch so theres no adjustment needed it can last 10 feet or the life of the car depending on how you drive is it %26quot;slipping%26quot; if not and no trouble shifting your in good shapeHow long can a clutch last,I have a 96 Toyota Tercel?depends on a lot of things
if you do a lot of highway driving
itll last along time
you could make it last even up to 200,000 miles
i have 103,000 miles on my clutch
still going strong,
but the last 70k were all pretty much on the interstate
and i read your other questions, said the shop said it was slipping
just to make sure
here are the ways you can test it
1. when your cruising along on a highway, or whever, just floor it, if the rmps shoot up and you dont go anywhere, your clutch is slipping,
it might not always do it though
2. put the car in 4th or 5th gear
and try to take off like you would in first, give it a little extra gas too,
if the car stalls, clutch is good, if it doesnt, clutch is shot