I recently bought a 95 Ninja. I have a smaller 1 speed bike... so I already know how to balance and all that... but I am unfamiliar with how exactly to work the clutch. Can someone explain it really simple for me?How to work a clutch on a motorcycle?Your clutch is basically what connects or (engages) your motor to your trans mission.
When the clutch lever is pulled in the motor and trans are disconnected ( disengaged ).
To take off from a stop, Pull your clutch in( disengage) left foot one click down from N.
** Slowly release the clutch while throttling enough to keep the bike from stalling, but not too much. You are better off to stall rather than shoot into a fence or something.
Always disengage when changing gears, while traveling in first , pull in the clutch ( disengage) while letting off the throttle shift up past N to 2nd , slowly release the clutch while applying throttle and so on. 3rd, 4th ,5th.
The same works when slowing down, as you slow down pull in the clutch while letting off the gas, shift down a gear and slowly release the clutch.
** One very important thing about the clutch!! If you ever get in a panic situation %26quot;Pull In The Clutch%26quot; and let off the gas, many new riders freeze up or goose the throttle and run into something.
You will just have to practice at what speeds to up or down shift, It's natural as you can hear the motor scream or lug when it's time to change gears.How to work a clutch on a motorcycle?i'm not really sure if the harley and kawasaki's are the same on this part but the way mine is, 1 down to first gear and the rest of the gears are up. their on the left foot side.... good luckHow to work a clutch on a motorcycle?The clutch is located on the handlebars on the left. By pulling in the lever, you place the bike out of gear. You can then switch gears, either up or down, depending on the gear pattern. On a Harley (07 model) it is one down and then five up (one at a time). By pushing down on the gear shift, the transmission goes into first gear. Slowly release the clutch lever, until you feel the bike move and the engine noise slow down, give it gas and release the clutch. When the engine starts to whine or reach the point to shift, pull the clutch lever all the way in again, and shift up one gear, then release the clutch again, slowly following the same pattern. After a few stalls, and some jerking motions, you'll get the hang of it. Or you can take an MSF course and they will teach you the proper way.How to work a clutch on a motorcycle?It's not difficult. You simply pull on the clutch any time you're changing gears and release it after you shift. For most bikes you click down on the gearshift to go from first to second, then after that you click the gearshift up to go into the higher gears. Just remember to pull that clutch any time you're shifting, and on some bikes you have to pull the clutch to start the bike, even if you're in neutral (my old Honda was like that).How to work a clutch on a motorcycle?The best thing you can do is go to your local community college and take a riders course or where ever it is offered there, check with a local cycle shop.
Clutch is simple. when you change gears let off the gas pull in the clutch shift (down all the way is 1st, then up 2nd, up 3rd, till you hit top gear) click up one time, give it throttle and ease out the clutch, (you will know when you need to shift the motor is wrapping out or down shift if it is stalling. Remember the clutch is your friend. If you get in trouble pull in the clutch and everything will get better.
Getting use to the clutch, you need to know where the friction zone is, that is the place as you let out the clutch where it first starts to grab. With the gears all the wat down 1st gear, sit on the bike, give it alittle throttle and ease out the clutch with both feet on the ground. When it starts to grab pull the clutch back in. Rock it like that several times to get the feel of it, where it starts to engage.
Once you do that Keep your feet down give it some throttle and ease out the clutch and start rolling a short distance, then pull in your clutch and do it over again till you are comfortable starting your bike off. Then do it again but this time ride it around alittle in first gear. (remember if you get in trouble the clutch is your friend, just pull it in and everything will get better)
Once you are riding around in first, try letting off the throttle, pull in the clutch and click the gear shifter up one time with your toe give it some throttle and let out the clutch 2nd gear, the rest is all determined by your speed if you go higher or lower in gears. when you are stopping remember to pull in the clutch and toe tap the shifter down as many times as it takes to get back to first gear(bottom as your rolling to a stop. then you are always ready to start off again when it is time to go.How to work a clutch on a motorcycle?It would be advisable to take a motorcycle safety class. They instruct you on proper clutch control and braking. If you have never operated a motorcycle, take this class, seriously, before you get hurt.How to work a clutch on a motorcycle?Honestly no offense but i would of learned how to use a clutch before you take it on the road, if you dont no what your doin you might die. well the clutch is on the left handle bar pull it in push down on the lever and you will be in first... give it gas and let off the clutch slowly once your going pull in the clutch again and shift up and so on.... to get it in neutral shift down to first and go half a click upHow to work a clutch on a motorcycle?and you bought a ninja?!?!?!? i hope it is a 250!!