Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How can one tell if your hydrolic clutch needs replacement, or your transmission needs to be serviced?

I am having problems finding my gears sometimes, so there is something defnintely wrong with the hydrolic clutch.How can one tell if your hydrolic clutch needs replacement, or your transmission needs to be serviced?make sure you have fluid in the clutch master cylinder (a small reservoir close to the firewall, usually with a rubber cap).the slave cylinder is on the side of the transmission with one steel line going to it. look and see if you see fluid leaking from it, if so it needs to be rebuilt or replaced. if you are very low on fluid and have to add some, it may have gotton air in the line which will make the clutch pedal feel spongy. you will have to bleed the lines of any air. also if you replace the clutch master cylinder you will have to bleed it of air also. a manual for your car will detail the bleeding process...How can one tell if your hydrolic clutch needs replacement, or your transmission needs to be serviced?Hydraulic.

When was the last time the fluid was changed and bled?. They use brake fluid which traps water. Also it might be time for either one of the cylinders (Master and/or Slave) to be rebuilt.

How can one tell if your hydrolic clutch needs replacement, or your transmission needs to be serviced?First of all there's not anything that needs to be serviced on a standard transmission besides checking the lever of the gear oil,the way you do that is on the side of your tHow can one tell if your hydrolic clutch needs replacement, or your transmission needs to be serviced?You have a TRANSMISSION problem, get it checked out before it ends up totally wrecked!

Servicing should have been done regularly.
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